About the Glaskogen Nature Reserve Foundation
Two years after the establishment of the Glaskogen nature reserve, the Glaskogen Nature Reserve Foundation was formed. The founders are Arvika (70%), Eda (2%), Säffle (12%) and Årjäng municipality (16%). The Glaskogen nature reserve extends over these four municipalities. The foundation has its seat in Arvika.
The board is represented by nine politically appointed members from the four founding municipalities. The board includes an advisory body with representatives from the Värmland County Administrative Board, Stora Enso Skog AB (owns approximately 80% of the land in Glaskogen), private landowners, fishing conservation areas, hunting conservation areas, the nature conservation association and Lenunghammar’s community association.
The foundation’s mission is to promote outdoor life and to maintain and care for the outdoor infrastructure in the Glaskogen nature reserve. There are a total of 9 full-year employees plus around 25 summer employees who do their best for Glaskogen.
The Glaskogen Foundation also runs Glaskogen’s Infocenter, Glaskogen’s Wilderness Camping, Glaskogen’s Canoe Center (approved by the Swedish Canoe Association) and Café Carl. All these businesses are located in Lenunghammar.