Regulations in the Glaskogen Nature Reserve
We all have a common responsibility to preserve nature in its existing state. Therefore, there are rules that must be followed when staying in a nature reserve. In addition to Glaskogen’s reserve regulations, the possibilities and obligations of the right of public access must also be taken into account. However, the reserve regulations always apply before the right of public access!
The Off-Road Driving Act applies in all situations. It is not allowed to drive in terrain with all kinds of motor vehicles such as motorbikes, caravans and motorhomes. Virtually all natural land is terrain within the meaning of the law. In addition to “forest and land”, beaches, pastures, parkland and lawns are also considered terrain. As soon as you park och drive your motor vehicle off a road you you can be charged for breaking the law.
And always remember: leave no trace!
Regulations for the Glaskogen nature reserve
In the reserve it is forbidden to
– to set up a caravan, motorhome or similar (for camping) other than in specially prepared and designated places
– release a dog or other pet,
– bring pets to the beach,
– damage the vegetation e.g. by breaking twigs, felling or otherwise damaging living or dead trees and shrubs,
– dig up or pick plants,
– destroy or damage solid natural objects or surface formation,
– disturb wildlife e.g. by residing at bo,
– unlawfully killing, hunting, trapping or harming animals,
– remove eggs or nest,
– make an open fire other than in a place specially prepared and designated from April 15th to Septembre 15th. Gas kitchens or similar may, however, be used at rest areas, car parks and campsites.
– camping with a tent for more than two days in a row without the permission of the landowner, other than at a public campsite,
– camping with motor vehicles on other places than official and prepared camp sites
– litter with sheet metal, glass, plastic, paper, waste or other,
– prevent or interfere with ongoing agriculture and forestry on roads or in the fields;
– drive a boat with a speed higher than seven knots; the ban does not apply to the central part of lake Stora Gla.
Without the permission of the county administrative board, it is forbidden to carry out scientific or other investigations.
All fishing in the area requires a fishing license and it is only allowed to fish in the lakes. All flowing waters are subject to a fishing ban.
Making fires in the area
- It is absolutely forbidden to light a campfire anywhere else in the area other than where indicated with a number at the windbreaks and resting-places from April 15th to September 15th.
- Always check that the fire and all embers are completely extinguished when you leave them.
- You are always accountable for your fire.
- You are responsible to check if there are any fire bans in the area before making a fire.
- Never throw a lighted match or cigarette butt or empty your pipe ashes on the ground. These things can lie and smoulder for a long time before they flame up. Never throw glass bottles on the ground. Very often, the glass focuses the rays of the sun and causes a forest fire. In addition, broken glass is extremely harmful to animal life.
You can find more information about any fire ban at Infocenter or the County Administrative Board, SMHI eller or download the “Brandrisk ute” app.
The flag below is the symbol of complete fire ban. When it is raised, it means that the fire risk is very large, and it is not allowed to make fires at all.